As I get older, I realize there are things in
My life I didn't appreciate until it was too late...
I didn't appreciate the naps they used to make
Me take in kindergarten.
I long for the day when someone says, "You
Can't work anymore until you take a nap."
I Guarantee you, I won't argue.
I didn't appreciate one-Penny candy or milk
That was delivered to your front door.
In the "do-it-yourself" world we'll never see either of.
I didn't appreciate those face-squishing hugs
My mother used to give me.
Now that she's gone home to be with the God,
I long for just one more.
This time I would squish her right back.
I didn't appreciate the days I danced barefoot
In the rain with my mouth open wide trying to
Get a drink of raindrops.
I didn't appreciate the sacrifice my parents
Made for my brothers and me to keep us clothed,
Fed and happy.
I didn't appreciate mom letting us mess up the
Living room on a rainy day.
I thought building a tent with a secret tunnel
Is what everyone did on those days.
I didn't appreciate the marvels of planting a seed
And watching it sprout into a full-grown plant.
I didn't appreciate the struggles we had to go
Through as a family.
Because of yesterday's struggles, we have
Strength for today.
I didn't appreciate the times my Daughters came to
Me and asked those annoying, unanswerable questions.
"What makes a duck quack?" "Why is the sky blue?"
I had no idea they thought I was smart enough
To answer all their questions.
I didn't appreciate the times our family had.
I didn't appreciate those primary School teachers
who went through so much
Trouble to collect toilet paper rolls so I could
Understand what a scroll was.
I didn't appreciate those clear nights when the
Stars danced with glee showing
Off their awesome Creator.
I didn't appreciate My Daughters' "refrigerator
Artwork" that made our house a home.
I didn't know to appreciate the muddy
Footprints my Girls and I so often found
making a Path across our carpet
as a representation of life.
I didn't appreciate the times my children
fell Asleep in daddy's arms.
I didn't realize it was there they felt
Protected from all the elements of the world.......
God, I have just one prayer for today.
Open my eyes that I may be able to see
And appreciate the things that you do
each day.....
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