What to do if you fall for your best friend? How do you let him know without jeopardizing your friendship? Have you ever felt sparks flying between you and your friend?
What about his feelings?
Confessing love to your best friend is always a stressful thing, because it can lead to different outcomes. It can turn out he likes you in this way too and he wants to give you two a chance, but maybe he only sees you as a friend. To find out, you have to reveal your feelings, but not right away. First, try to find out what his feelings for you are.
Of course you get along great but have you ever felt any sexual chemistry between you two? This does not only include secret longings but also the feeling, that he feels something more for you as well. Is he the same as ever or has he changed? The worsening of the friendship can also be a sign that one of the friends feels something more and is scared of such feelings. Use a few tricks to find out what your best friend`s feelings for you are.
Test his behavior
You have to accept the fact, that by coming clean, you are risking your friendship, because it might prove too difficult to be in love with a friend in the long run. If he still trusts you and has no difficulties talking to you about other girls and dates, he apparently is not in love with you. However, a friend, who has lately become secretive, stopped discussing other women and is perhaps turning shy, might feel like you do. Another fool-proof method is, to ask an acquaintance of yours, whom he met in passing, to find out more.
This acquaintance, must not reveal, that he knows you. He should ask your friend about a possible girlfriend and carefully try to get his opinion about you. Because a direct question about you would be too obvious, he should just compliment you a couple of times. He should compliment your looks and carefully observe your friend`s reaction. You can seriously improve your chances of becoming a sexy woman in your friend`s eyes yourself. Instead of the usual sweatpants you wear around him, start dressing up. Accentuate your femininity but do not overdo it. You can also mention other men, compliment them and mention their approaches to check if your friend seems jealous. Lover`s Guide provides the best advice on love relationships.Being in love with a friend is never easy, because it risks the friendship.
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